Our Family Groups
Christ the King Parents and Friends
The Parents and Friends of Christ the King School is a friendly, motivated group which fundraises for, and gives practical help, to our school. All parents and carers of our school’s children become members and are welcomed and encouraged to contribute as actively as possible giving their time, ideas and support. We hold regular planning/social meetings – come if you can – if not, help at an event!
For more information, please contact the school secretary - 0151 334 4345.

Mums and Tots
This group meets every Tuesday (9.30am – 11.30am) during term time. Entrance is £2 per family and we even have a handy card reader so you don’t have to scramble for change. Tea/coffee is available for grown-ups plus juice, biscuits and fresh fruit for the children. We provide a safe space for parents, carers and even grandparents to come and make friends and to chat to others while the children play with the good stock of toys and activities. New members are always welcome. The group is suitable for children from birth to pre school.
For up to date information please see our Facebook page ‘CTK Mums and Tots’ or contact Jane Keane on 07894434550.

Lourdes Youth Group
Since Covid our parish group is no longer running but if you are interested in making this trip it is now done via the Shrewsbury Youth Mission Team. Please see www.symt.org.uk for more details. We are hopeful to start this important Mission again in the coming years.

Christ the King Scout Group
Scouting has been part of the Parish Family since 1970. and our group exists to actively engage and support the young people of Christ the King in their personal development, empowering them to make a positive contribution to society.
Our aim is to ensure that we put together a full and balanced programme so that young people, in partnership with adults, work together to enjoy what they are doing and have fun, take part in activities indoors and outdoors, learn by doing, share in spiritual reflection, take responsibility and make choices, undertake new and challenging activities and make and live by their Promise.
We run three section and there meeting times are as follows: -
· Beavers (ages 6-8 years) – Wednesday 6.00pm – 7.15pm
· Cubs (8-10 years) – Tuesday 6.30pm – 8.00pm
· Scouts (10 -14 years) – Wednesday 7.30pm -9.30pm
If you would like your child to join us or if you feel would like to help as an Adult volunteer, then please contact Tony Edge 07980 713281 or email us at ctk15thbeb@gmail.com
Youth Group
This is designed to be a safe space for primary school children aged year 2 and above. We meet 6:45-8pm every other Friday during term time as a rule but any amendments will be announced in the parish newsletter. Food and drink is provided so please let us know of any allergies in advance. All volunteers are DBS checked.
For further details please contact Rob Smith on 07881994641.