Our Pastoral Team
The pastoral team works with our priest to promote spiritual growth in the parish. Team members can be contacted by email, telephone or by using the communication box at the back of church. Should you wish to receive a reply to any communication, please include your contact details, but you may of course remain anonymous. Photographs of the current team can be found on this website. The team liaises with the LPA (Local Pastoral Area) which coordinates the work of the four member parishes: Christ the King, St John’s, St Anne’s and St Luke’s.
Parish Support and Advisory Group
This is a group of representatives from the different groups or ministries that make up Christ the King Parish. The aim of this forum is to work together in a collectively positive approach for the benefit of our parish family. If you wish a particular topic to be added to a meeting’s agenda concerning your area of ministry, please contact the Parish Office in order that the subject can be included. (Please understand that if we get a huge number of subject nominations we will have to prioritise, otherwise the meeting could be unreasonably long).

Ministry of Music
Our choir leads the singing at most Saturday evening and Sunday morning masses throughout the year. They rehearse in the church itself on Monday evenings from 7:15pm until 8:30pm. Feel free to come and join us in the choir loft even if you can’t make the weekly rehearsals. Everyone is welcome.
If you would like us to sing at a funeral or wedding we would love to assist you – all you have to do is ask.
For any further details please speak to our cantor and music coordinator Judith on 0151 334 3938.

Children’s Choir
The children's choir meets every Friday during term time 3:15pm to 4pm inside the church. The children get a snack before we start and parents can enjoy a "cuppa and a chat" inside the sacristy while the children practice. If your child would like to attend the children's choir but you have trouble picking him/her up we can collect your child for you at 3:15pm from school. We aim to sing every other month at the 10am Sunday Family mass. We love to learn exciting sacred music but also mix it up with fun songs from films and musicals. Come along see what we’re all about. Children of all ages and abilities are welcome!
For any further details please speak to our cantor and music coordinator Judith on 0151 334 3938.

Banner Ministry
This group meets on an ad hoc basis to create liturgical decorations for the church and the school. If you have a artistic streak and would like to channel it for the benefit of our parish, you are more than welcome to join us.
If you would like further details please speak to Carmel Horay on 0151 327 3315.

Children’s Liturgy
A team of volunteers run a separate liturgy during Sunday’s 10am mass to make the Gospel more accessible for children. The children listen to the Word and then follow on with a craft activity that is brought back into mass with them. All children (and their parents if required) are welcome to join us.
If you are interested in volunteering to run this vital ministry please speak to the parish office.

Bereavement Team
A group of parishioners have received training as bereavement visitors. If you would like one of them to call on you, please contact Margaret Evens via the presbytery.
Margaret Evens

Cleaning Club
There is a small (but mighty) group of volunteers who meet after 9:30am mass on Thursdays to clean the church. New members are always appreciated, even if you can’t commit on a weekly basis. If you have any questions please speak to the parish office.

Parish Catechists
Every year about a dozen catechists volunteer to prepare 30-40 young people for the Sacrament of Confirmation.
Helen Stuart – 0151 334 3824

Puerto Quito Project (Ecuador)
The Puerto Quito Project (Ecuador) is here to provide medical treatment/surgery for the poorest children and their families and to provide an education for those children and some adults in the shanty town of Colimes. Houses are built for homeless people and poor people are given support in setting up small businesses through the ‘Hope 2000 Project’ (self-help project).
Vivian Farnin – 0151 334 4380

Altar Servers
Frances Attenborough and Eddy Morris train and organise our altar servers.

Deena normally coordinates the offertory procession rota for Sunday Masses. This ministry will resume once covid restrictions allow.
Deena Parkin – 0151 334 2946

Flower Ladies
This group works on a rota to keep the church looking decorative at all times. Special arrangements can be made for weddings and other celebratory occasions.
Val Brown – 0151 334 2939

Baptism group
This group works on a rota to make sure that families who are about to have a child baptised can ask questions and understand the service that they will take part in. Once a year they organise a celebration mass bringing together all the families who have had a child baptised in that year.
If you would like to get involved contact Debbie Ryan.

Parish Finance Committee
The committee meets three times a year to monitor the parish accounts and agree priorities for parish/church expenditure.

Gift Aid & Weekly Envelope
Brenda Frodsham – 0151 334 1802

Association for the Propagation of the Faith
The APF coordinates the distribution in the parish of the ‘red mission boxes’. The donations are collected annually and forwarded to the missionary groups.
Tricia Dodd – 0151 343 0746